Monday, October 13, 2014

"Sampling vs. All In"

   I'm not a big fan of grocery shopping. I don't mind doing it, but I could think of several other endeavors that I prefer spending my time on. So when I have to go to the store, I like to make a list and have a game-plan. And usually, part of that plan involves NOT going on days that the rest of the free-world is there. Having this in mind, you can imagine then that I'm not thrilled to shop on Saturdays.
   But if I cannot avoid it, do you know the one positive reason why shopping on Saturdays is great? I have two words for samples! And not just one table, either. No, on these days the stores are usually peppered with these morsel-packing aid workers just begging for someone to take their delectable gifts.
  While these samples are tasty, they're not fulfilling. After all, they're not meant to be. Samples of the whole are given to get you to like and crave the item so that you will buy it. No one would ever think that the sample gives you the same benefit as a complete serving. 
   Unfortunately, so many people make that mistake when it comes to a relationship with Jesus.     
   The other day I had a conversation with a young man who was struggling to cope with events and relationships within his life. He was frustrated and confused about what his next step should be. And when I asked him if he had a relationship with Jesus, I was met with a very common but unfortunate answer.
   "I've tried that," he said. Meaning, I went to church; I brought my family; I sampled what I thought was the whole of Christianity...and it just didn't work. 
  This young man had informed me that he had been "going to church his whole life". And his understanding was that Jesus and the church had no solution to his dilemma. You see, he sampled Jesus and found it wasn't enough to fix his problems. But when you sample Jesus, you don't get the whole benefit, and it leaves you lacking and unfulfilled.
   To be a follower of Christ is to be completely surrendered to His will. As well, God is NOT looking for religious services or deeds. He doesn't want some person to come along and sample what they believe to be Christianity. God WANTS ALL OF YOU. He wants you to completely "buy in" to Him (c.f. Matthew 13:44-46). He wants your trust, your allegiance, your service, and your life.
   Finally, Jesus is a person Who wants to be related to on an intimate level. So don't just sample Jesus. Don't just take someone's word on their experience of Jesus, either. Go all in (Luke 14:33)! No one has ever given their all to Jesus and come up unfulfilled in their lives.

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