Friday, December 14, 2012

Another Child Killer

   No doubt by now you've heard of the recent news reports of the school shooting in Newtown, CT. When I realized it was an elementary school and that the death-toll was well over 20, my mind began to imagine the horror that must have taken place this morning, and the lost dreams, and hopes, and my heart ached as I contemplated this truth.
   But then my mind went to another story... A story very similar. I'll tell it in a letter to the ones that are no doubt grieving the most today; those looking for answers that may never come...the parents of the lost:

Dear Sandy Hook Elementary School Parents, 
   What you're going through in your grief breaks my heart in so many ways. And as I reflect on this tragedy, my thoughts review another horrific story. Two-thousand years ago, there was another tyrant who thought he could steal hope and rob life. He was filled with hate as he commanded that boys 2 yrs. old and younger be murdered in this small town. His name was Herod. And he was the king of Judea at the time. The town was Bethlehem. And this heinous act was committed because he wanted no one to share his title of King. So in an attempt to wipe out The Messiah, King Herod slaughtered innocence.
  But Herod would soon learn that he didn't kill the Messiah. And soon after Herod's death, this young boy would return home and grow and share with all of his people that they no longer had to be without hope in this wicked world. The parents in Bethlehem back then knew all too well what you're going through today. But some of them found healing in the Savior that was born in their town. 
    Herod tried to end Christmas. And in a similar way, this young man, filled with hate, tried to do the same. But no one can kill the hope, joy, and peace that Jesus brought to the world that first Christmas. And if you seek God, He can give you this peace that carries you through the nightmare.
   It's okay to mourn this Christmas. I encourage you to do so. But in your grief, I want you to remember that one child survived the onslaught and brought us peace as a result. The light in the midst of all of this darkness is the life and peace that he brings to all who receive Him. This is why the angels said at Jesus' birth, glory to God in the highest and on earth peace and goodwill toward men.
   Love never fails so may the God of all comfort and love sustain you through this tragedy. And let me remind you, they did eventually kill God’s son as well. But that wasn’t the end of the story. For when you’re feeling the depression and sadness that will no doubt follow Christmastime now, and you find yourself saying things like, he/she would've been (such and such) this year, know that after Christmas comes Easter. And God's answer to wickedness and death is seen by what’s NOT in the tomb!  There's hope in the Savior who came on Christmas.
May God's loving arms cover you tonight and forever,
Derek Shaw,

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