I don't know how you feel, but I always get a bit depressed and saddened when confronted by such reckless disregard for human life. My heart aches as the pictures and news reports come in of those injured in the recent Boston Marathon bombings. I want to cry out, "What's wrong with this world?" When they start to post images of the deceased and begin interviewing friends and relatives. And before throwing my hands up in despair, I am reminded once again that it's broken...The world that is.
It was never meant to be this way. Something inside of us all knows this. But even though we know that hatred and death is wrong, it doesn't stop us from continuing to hate and in some cases even murdering others.
But what do we do when confronted by such horrible acts? What do you do when someone decides to explode a bomb next to an 8 year old (Martin Richard) who not too long ago held up a sign requesting no more hurting people-peace?
You trust...
You find comfort in the fact that in God there's safety.In the midst of calamity, there's a peace that comes from knowing that One greater than you has control.
who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow
of the Almighty. This I declare about the LORD: He alone is my refuge,
my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him. Psalm 91:1-2
The answer is trust in Jesus. When He promised us that even though there's trouble in this world, we should take heart for He has overcome this damage and even allowed restoration through His death.
Yes there's pain. Yes there's sorrow. Yes there's sadness, depression, and loss. But we don't have to allow these feelings and events to define us.
The human race has been damaged by the results of our choices to do wrong. But we're not destroyed beyond repair. If we'll let God do it, He will remake us back to the people we were meant to be. Will this mean the world will be a utopia? Probably not until He comes back, but when I change, there's a greater chance that more will change with me.
The world is broken and needs repair. We must allow God to fix us first...others will follow.